Pony Torture 1 2 Igru

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Ok so I was looking for new pony games on the play store and came across a game called PONY TORTURE! Obviously I know some people like that sort of thing but I couldn't believe how graphic it was! The worst part is there was no restrictions on downloading it, meaning anyone's kid could type in 'my little pony', see the cute icon and download it, not knowing what it is. Yeah I know there's dark things in everything, and yeah I get that some people enjoy the creepy side of things, but for things like that, surely there should be an age confirmation required?

Not a lot of kids will see the tiny 'pegi 18' logo. Do you have a link to the offending material? I'll be honest, I am neither shocked nor upset about this.

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I've seen all kinds of horrible games that no child should ever be tricked into playing based on the popularity of ponies. The pregnancy simulators are probably the most actively horrifying, though the 'let's fix Pinkie Pie's teeth' and vetinarian simulator games with MLP characters being actively eviserated, drilled, and injected are probably worse. There seem to be a lot of game devs looking to make a quick buck by copy pasting a pony into their games. Given how much shit bronies get, I'm not surprised that there would be a game where the abuse directed at the ponies that anti-bronies 'abhor' is a thing. 'Torture' games of people or mascots seem to be a popular sub genre of indie games, so it's not especially shocking that this exists utilizing MLP characters as well.

EDIT: You know, the title and art is pretty straightforward. I doubt a kid would play this by accident and not know exactly what they were getting into. Especially on the sequel, Pony Torture 2. Again, I doubt the game is designed to appeal to 'creepy bronies' so much as anti-bronies, but I don't see the harm in games like this existing. Reminds me of the old 'Wack Your Boss' or 'Frog in a Blender' games.

I looked it up, and I think that it should be taken off the Google Play store. They really shouldn't let stuff like this on it. They should have age restricted it.

Pony Torture 1 2 Igru

Little kids shouldn't play this game, and I know that the parents of those children wouldn't want them playing it. EDIT: But unfortenally, it probably won't get taken off. Gotovie kursovie raboti po shehovcovu. Like ShokBox said, they don't have anything to filter this type of content. Also, it turns out that it was age restricted, thanks to for telling me. I'm sorry for messing up and annoying him and you all.