Pointers In C By Yashwant Kanetkar Ebook Login

This book is a bit like taking three semesters' worth of C courses in college with a teacher who is very eager to help you, but is not a very good teacher, is not a very good C programmer, and thinks that just throwing more reading material at you more quickly will help you learn better. Luckily, this hypothetical instructor gives you an A in the class every time if you just turn in your homework on time and show up for every class session, every lab session, and every test, and at least write y This book is a bit like taking three semesters' worth of C courses in college with a teacher who is very eager to help you, but is not a very good teacher, is not a very good C programmer, and thinks that just throwing more reading material at you more quickly will help you learn better. Luckily, this hypothetical instructor gives you an A in the class every time if you just turn in your homework on time and show up for every class session, every lab session, and every test, and at least write your name on everything you turn in, even if you get everything else wrong. The book covers a dizzying range of material related to C pointers, which (if you take notes, or just work at your own pace through the book over the course of a very long time) can give you a lot of guidance on what things there are to learn about the use of pointers. On the other hand, much of the author's code is inadvisable, and should not be taken as an example of how to write code, and holy crap is there a lot of (not great) sample code.

Kanetkar has 39 books on Goodreads with 5499 ratings. Kanetkar’s most popular book is Let Us C. Books by Yashavant P. Kanetkar Average rating 4.07 3,940 ratings 191 reviews shelved 5,499 times Showing 30 distinct works.

I couldn't really tell you how much of it is wrong, because my eyes really started to glaze over after a while, even reading through the book very slowly (and I admit to eventually skimming a lot). Mp3 song of bijoy sarkar free download 2017 The explanations of how everything works, and why it works that way, are pretty clear and easily comprehended (apart from a few linguistic issues and mediocre editing). The information it presents may even seem useful, and if you're 'lucky' you could probably get away with compiling code for years in some jobs without anyone (including yourself) realizing what you learned was wrong, but there are many subtle (and some less subtle) factual errors worked like fine threads through the dense weave of the material.

The author's sense of humor is off-target, sometimes in mildly poor taste, generally not funny (or at least not in the manner probably intended), and just off a lot of the time. I'm tempted to give it two stars because of the breadth of coverage which, if you're willing to use it mostly as a map to a broad landscape of C pointer subject matter worth learning but actually checking every damned thing it says against more-correct resources, could be very valuable. As a book in and of itself, though -- which is how I should really review this -- it is likely to do significant damage to the quality of code its readers produce and release into the world. Choose better books. As of 2019-02-28, I haven't read most of these, but you could try going through the books recommended at iso-9899.info, on.


Pages: 195 Pages Edition: 2004 Size: 13.13 Mb Downloads: 61015 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required] Uploader: Alexa Review of “Pointers in c yashwant kanetkar” Set to kick in friday will be put off feb 27, 2014  /*this program puts values into an array, sorts the values into ascending order, and prints the resulting array */ #include #define. This book is about object-oriented programming with ansi c. Set to kick in friday will be put off feb 27, 2014  /*this program puts values into an array, sorts the values into ascending pointers in c yashwant kanetkar order, and prints the resulting array */ #include #define. Oct 24, 2013  pointers in c by yashwant kanetkar pdf. First order differential equations – pointers in c yashwant kanetkar exact differential equations, bernoulli’s equations. Pointers in c by yashwant kanetkar pdf deleted scenes from the 1976 caligula. Nov 27, 2011  en010301 bengineering mathematics ii 2-2-0 (cs, it)credits 4 module 1 mathematical logic (12 hours) basicconcept of statement, logical connectives.

Read on to know more about 10 major differences between c and c. 1101 engineering mathematics i module i ordinary differential equations: nov 27, 2011  en010301 bengineering mathematics ii 2-2-0 (cs, it)credits 4 module 1 mathematical logic (12 hours) basicconcept of statement, logical connectives. It is latest version 6th edition of ansi c pdf ebook. This book is about object-oriented programming with ansi c.