Lua Hacks Gmod

We are not affiliated with Facepunch, please don't ask things only the developers can do here. (which also apply to Discord) Interested in learning how to mod? Modding is an easy and fun gateway into a wonderful world called programming you won't regret entering. Young jeezy put on download. If you're completely new to programming, head over to Khan Academy and take their awesome programming course: • If this isn't your first rodeo, but you need some help getting started with GLua specifically, here are some resources to get started: • • • A more complete and accurate list of rules may be found. Thanks to and for letting us use some css snippets of theirs.

Aimbot, bhop, esp, garrys mod, garrys mod hacks, xray 3 Attachment(s). [Release] Garry's Mod Useful Lua Modules (dickwrap, fhook, bsendpacket). HL Scripts V2 Hack (Updated!). Lua lua script scripting bhop bunnyhop bhopscript gmod propkill hack hack garry's mod lua script hack gmod hack aimbot aim autoaim.

Jump to:, How to make a basic Aimbot. Ram siya ram jai jai ram song free download. Description: This tutorial will show you how to make a basic aimbot.

For educational purposes only. Original Author: Created: September 26, 2010 I remind you this tutorial is only for educational purposes. For this tutorial you need a brain, some lua knowledge and some maths. Creating the.lua file I'd recommend you to create the lua file in garrysmod/lua folder instead of garrysmod/lua/autorun/client because it is possible that you can type mistakes, and in that case you have to restart GMod. Name your script 'aimbot.lua' Let's start coding, shall we? Function aimbot ( ) -- Starting the function local ply = LocalPlayer ( ) -- Getting ourselves local trace = util.GetPlayerTrace ( ply ) -- Player Trace part.

1 local traceRes = util.TraceLine ( trace ) -- Player Trace part. 2 Okay so we just created the function but it is not completed, we just added some basics needed for the aimbot to function correctly. 'trace' basically gets where the player is aiming and 'traceRes' uses 'trace' to draw a line from the player to infinity or a wall. If traceRes.HitNonWorld then -- If the aimbot aims at something that isn't the map.


Local target = traceRes.Entity -- It's obviously an entity. If target:IsPlayer ( ) then -- But it must be a player. Local targethead = target:LookupBone ( 'ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1' ) -- In this aimbot we only aim for the head. Local targetheadpos,targetheadang = target:GetBonePosition (targethead ) -- Get the position/angle of the head.

Ply:SetEyeAngles ( (targetheadpos - ply:GetShootPos ( ) ):Angle ( ) ) -- And finally, we snap our aim to the head of the target. End end end hook.Add ( 'Think', 'aimbot',aimbot ) -- The hook will spam 'aimbot' until it finds a target. If in any case the player aims at something at isn't the map, the script will save it as 'target' and checks next is 'target' is a player, if that is the case, the script gets the head of the player, its position and angle and sets the user's view at the head of the target. Finally, we add the hook which will spam the aimbot function until it finds something. Testing So now, you just created your first aimbot, but you need to run it.

You may want to create a multiplayer game, open the console (~) and type 'bot' to add a bot. Next, type in 'lua_openscript_cl aimbot.lua'. I precise you can also rename the script but you also have to change 'aimbot' into the new name. And, finally, aim at the bot and you will automatically snap! Other You may also change the bone setting 'ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1' to another bone like.