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ScreenShots: Software Description: HampsonRussell offers a fully integrated suiteof world-class geophysical interpretation tools for reservoircharacterization. Known for its ease of use, HampsonRussell makessophisticated geophysical techniques accessible to all levels ofgeophysicists. CGG HampsonRussell software enables advanced geophysicalinterpretation and analysis for reducing the risks and costsassociated with E&P. Focused on technology innovation, workflow integration and ease ofuse, the new releases enable oil and gas companies to betterunderstand and characterize the Earth’s subsurface. Features in HRS enable users to perform inversion in depth, analyzeanisotropy to map fractures, connect rock properties and seismicproperties, and see more detail through stochastic seismicinversion. HampsonRussell AVO Analysis & Modeling AVO is a comprehensive HampsonRussell module for pre-stack dataconditioning, attribute computation and analysis.

HampsonRussell offers a fully integrated suite of world-class geophysical. Free GeoSoftware webinars to help overcome your challenges and better. Or will operate in the combinations which Customer selects for use, or that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free.

This module hasthe tools for conditioning pre-stack seismic data to produceoptimum attribute volumes, cross-plotting and interpretationfunctions for locating AVO anomalies, and AVO modeling tools forcalibration. Cubase 5 free download full version crack windows 7. AVO Figure 1 AVO Analysis & Modeling Benefits of the AVO Module include: – Provides a single comprehensive module for dataconditioning, attribute calculation and analysis – High-grades pre-stack seismic data for inversions – Calibrates seismic data with model data – Enables simple navigation and comparison of multipleattribute volumes with seismic gathers Seismic Data Conditioning The fundamental assumption made in AVO studies is that thepre-stack data has been optimally processed.


This means that thedata is noise-free, with preserved amplitudes and correct timepositioning for the angle range being studied. The AVO module inHampsonRussell offers data conditioning tools needed to preparedata for attribute analysis. AVO Figure 2 AVO Attribute Volume Calculation Once the amplitudes observed in the pre-stack data are stable androbust, AVO attributes can be calculated as volumes and maps.

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