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Because everybody loves free stuff. The CFA program is a lot cheaper than other postgraduate qualifications (), but hey, anything that is available to you for free while you're preparing helps, right? Be careful though - free CFA material floating around the internet can be outdated or inaccurate. Download tex willer pdf gratis download. So we've compiled the best available free CFA material just for you, so you can spend less time searching and testing this stuff, and get right down to preparing for your exam. Read on to see all the free resources we've identified for you!

Practice Questions Practice questions are based on curriculum topics, designed to help strengthen your understanding of the curriculum as you study. They are 100% free, straight from CFA Institute, available to all registered candidates of all levels. Mock Exams All registered candidates have access mock exams by CFA Institute.

This can sound obvious to some, but there are quite a number of candidates every year that don't even know they have a free material from CFA Institute. The number of mock exams and formats vary from year to year, but do not miss this opportunity to get some practice direct from CFA Institute. In fact CFA Institute create these mocks from unused past year questions, so this is as close to the real thing as you are going to get. The mock exam is structured with approximately the same topic area weights and time per question as the live exam and are designed to be taken over six hours at Levels I and II, just like the actual CFA exam. Level III however is offered as one three-hour session. ​.

 You may be already quite acquainted with Investopedia. In the context of CFA however, the site is also a ridiculously useful resource to augment your studies. ​   CFA Quizzer ​ Besides providing a second voice to certain concepts you can't grasp, Investopedia has also put together a question bank they call the Quizzer for all levels. This quiz has hundreds of questions for each level (and more than a thousand for Level 1) so this is a no-brainer for a free question resource.

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You can customize this Quizzer as a Practice Exam format (fully customizable number of questions and topic weightings), try and Exam Simulator (mimics an actual exam format) & time, and even track your progress and question history. Level 3 questions are multiple-choice only.