Download Scoreboard Pack Pes 6 2014

Download PES 2017 Scoreboards Pack Season 2016-17 by Akraminho FEATURES: ScoreBoards + Replay Logos 2017 For: – English Premier League / EPL / BPL – BundesLiga – La Liga – Ligue 1 – Seria A – Compatible with PES 2017 ( Steam & NO Steam ) – Compatible with all patches – Compatible with DLC 2.00 / Exe 1.02 / 1.03 HOW TO INSTALL: – Download & Extract files – Copy Scoreboard.cpk into DOWNLOAD Folder – Generate dpfilelist.bin using DpfileListGenerator Tool v1.8 – Play! CREDITS: Carthage Eagles Patchers DOWNLOAD LINK: ORIGINAL AUTHOR LINK: ======================================== NEW UPDATE VOL 2.

PES 2017 Scoreboard Pack Season 16/17 by Akraminho. Download PES 2017 Scoreboards Pack Season 2016-17 by Akraminho. – Copy Scoreboard.cpk into DOWNLOAD Folder.

I want to thank all the people that helped me in realisation of this patch through many years, especially my closest co-workers Customizer and LeeST, also dj90 for Classic version and giacomo and johnny_007 for All NT version, thanks FdL 1899 and Johny19 for scoreboards pack, and allezlinter for scoreboards and for constant help in any way, thanks nikolapfc89 for creating and updating many chants and thanks Maxamor for putting HD turf on more than 100 stadiums that I sent him. And also a BIG thanks to all other editors, without their work this wouldn't be possible. Patch team: Shollym LeeST customiZer giacomo FdL 1899 allezlinter Johnny_007 Maxamor nikolapfc89 dj90 Johny19 Lazanet Lerp90 rakse93 Lapi S-Nipe Deja91 Mj8803 thanks to all kitmakers who stil create kits for PES6: Shakhtar Donetsk, Daniel_Juve, Schnuuu, El Chimbinha, Daoo, jorm, Shardo, gerardo6191, VillaPilla, ayoking, Lejzi, Goran, gabriel_timao, Szenowski, Zlatan85, boro, sebinho, nabo78, plk, sahsouh, Mikue, ElToY, *aLe, Claxdinho, Valbuena13, t1ma, JuanZinho, Lucas, Argy, chmiel13, Ema, Odiney, Sambozic, Agus, Marianoarrana, Era, Sly_zombie. Cosic, Lazanet, adebayor_15, eddy, ultigamerz, Giacomo, Mj8803, Jadson, Jailson, WindowOP, TigerOP, DRZ, Diibu. Ove sezone instaliram sa zakasnjenjem ali predobar kao i uvek malo me je zbunilo prilikom otpakivanja prvog dela kitservera jer dva puta prijavljuje gresku korumpirani fajl za jednu loptu i kopacku ali se otpakuje do kraja i igra radi bez problema. Shabloni portfolio uchnya pochatkovih klasv Mislio sam da nisam dobro skinuo pa sam opet odradio download prvog dela ali se ta greska uvek ponavlja, verovatno sitan propust Solima ili nekog iz ekipe, nista strasno.

Brutal Assault festival is an anchorage of metal music and associated art with 130 artists, 5 stages, several art galleries and extensive chill-out zone. Luchshij sbornik francuzskoj estradi. Among traditional festival features the festival area also offers luxury sanitary facilities, permanent horror cinema, underground mazes, huge metal market, art galleries, a lot of sitting spaces within the fortress walls providing shelter from the weather and tons of other attractions. If you have not been there yet, this festival is just another level of experience in dark art with cherry picked blend of refreshing underground bands and stellar headliners spread across diverse festival area located within 18th century military fortress.

Sad jos samo da prebacimo na decembar, da se uhvati vise slobodnog vremena pa da krenu okupljanja sa drustvom negde u ovo vreme pa do jutra hvala majstore! Za one koji imaju gresku u raspakovanju kitserver foldera, izdvojio sam loptu Adidas Torfabrik 5 i ubacio fajl koji pravi problem. Link za skidanje: Instalacija: Raspakovati rar fajl, dobicete folder 'kitserver', zameniti ga sa postojecim kitserverom koji se nalazi u instalacionom folderu PES 6, tz. Program Files Konami Pro Evolution Soccer 6, i to je to. Za nekoliko dana izbacujem komplet stadiona za sve tri verzije patcha sa sredjenim map-om uz saglasnost Shollyma.Posalji mi PM da se dogovorimo nesto oko stadiona pre nego sto krenes da kacis.